Robert Russell Townsend
Professional Home Inspector (PI # 23810)
Professional Engineer (License # 106353)
2622 Sugarbush LaneMissouri City, Texas 77459
(281) 630-3885
We perform residential home inspections. Whether you are a buyer, seller, real estate agent or property manager, you can count on TOWNSENDHMS for all of your home inspection needs.
Client Testimonials:
He did a thorough job and explained things as he was doing it. I would highly recommend him.
Denise P. in Rosenberg, TX (HomeAdvisorPRO job rating 5.0).
Based on the advice of a contractor, I was told to get a home inspector to look at some issues I was having to get an unbiased recommendation. I requested TownsendHMS to do a partial inspection of my master bathroom and roof exterior. The inspector found several issues and provided recommendations on how to get them corrected. The inspection was thorough, informative, and very professional. I received the inspection report in a timely manner. The value of the report was in the recommendations. The recommendations from the inspection were detailed and will allow me to make the necessary repairs to prevent more expensive repairs in the future. I was highly satisfied with the inspection performed since the work done was very thorough and at a good price.
John Keeling